Monday, July 2, 2012

Prometheus, Nephilim and all that jazz

...Continuing our conversation on the subject, I found this link to information on the "Nephilim" explaining their possible connection to ancient times and the scriptures. Among Bible scholars there is some contrasting opinions on whether or not they were in fact the 'Sons of God'.  But if you look on this page  under the section on Controversies (near bottom) at Advocates of the Angel-hybrid position hold that ...some pretty good points are made supporting that they are.  Also, keep in mind that "Goliath" of the Old Testament was said to be a descendent of the Nephilim--which, if this is really true, could explain his very tall height.  He was part of a whole race of giants.

To me the Alien characters in movie Prometheus seemed like they were representations of these 'Sons of God'.  I think that part of the controversy among Bible scholars on this subject of the Nephilim is, whether or not fallen angels would be described in the scriptures as 'Sons of God'.  
Prometheus (2012)
(Great makeup job!  Don't you think?)
What is amazing is their connection to the great flood and the role many agree that they played in influencing God's decision to bring about the flood that wiped out all of mankind, except Noah and his family. 

Wiki also has a link for the Nephilim:  

Now this is also interesting... 

Take a look at how tall Goliath was. From the included website the following is stated: 
"Later David and Saul fought a remnant of smaller giants who had taken refuge in the Philistine city of Gath. They included Goliath, who was about nine feet tall, and his brother Lahmi "whose spear had a shaft like a weaver's 
rod". The last of the Gittite giants was slain, "In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot—twenty-four in all. He also was descended from Rapha".--Who Were The Nephilim?

So Goliath was about nine feet tall.  Humans aren't usually that tall. More proof supporting the belief of angel/human intermixing.  
It also states:

  • Their height was two or three times the height of normal men.
  • They were associated with some kind of unholy intermixing before the Flood.
Could angel/human interbreeding (interbreeding with fallen angels) be the reason why God commanded the ancient Hebrews to completely destroy their enemies (every man, woman and child) during some of their battles? I've sometimes wondered the reason why God, at that time, commanded the Hebrew army to spare no one in certain battles with their enemies.
This video gives you some amazing views of the remains of these huge people. 

--DiamondHead      *****************************************************************************   Interesting perspective. I actually came across an interview with the director of "Prometheus", Ridley Scott, where he used the term "dark angels". I have NO idea if he had a similar point of view to yours, in his representation of these "beings", "aliens", what have you, but I thought it was thought-provoking. A few film fans on the IMDB message board of "Prometheus" was critical of Scott for what they felt was a "creationist" bent to the film (they didn't appreciate the mention of religion in sci-fi), but actually, I'm not 100% certain that that's where he was coming from.  The good thing about this film is its complex layers. It's not 100% straight-forward. My opinion is that, a good film is a film that sparks discussion and debate--a film that actually requires, on some level, critical thought from the audience.  In any case, whether Scott was coming from *this* viewpoint or not (theological/religious aspects), I am open-minded to the concept of themes of spirituality being explored in works of science fiction. --@MyVintageSoul!/MyVintageSoul   **************************************************************** 
Yes, this is an interesting interview with Ridley Scott.  I saw that he referred to the "Engineers" as dark angels. 
 "In a funny kind of way, if you look at the Engineers, they’re tall and elegant … they are dark angels."
 This is why I saw a possible connection to his characters and the ancient Nephilim.  The Nephilim were supposedly a race of people who were born of fallen angels (dark angels) and human women.  So, that much of his story may have some realism in terms of historical accounts that have been passed down.  Because of the evil nature of Ridley's "Engineers" (Remember the alien character in Prometheus smacking the old man around in the cave?), their connection to Jesus Christ, even in terms of fictional writing, is limited.  We can assume that Ridley's Aliens are representations of fallen angels since Ridley has stated this in his interview with  With that in mind, their connection to Christ could be limited to, were created by God but fell from their holy place (and Heaven) because of their rebellion against G0d.  That's why I thought they (Ridley's aliens) were more symbolic of the fallen angels who interbred with human women creating the ancient race of Nephilim. 
I've got something I want to dig up for you (no pun intended) that's you'll find fascinating.  Back with it later...
--DiamondHead **********************************************************************************   This review/commentary on "Prometheus" by Marcos will knock your socks off! 

"Prometheus" - A Lesson in Illuminati Religion by Marcos

The writer decodes the movie, revealing what he believes, is the true meaning and intent therein.  Now Vic, please TRY to put your cynicism and doubt of "any and all things Illuminati" aside long enough to read this man's review/commentary (perhaps warning?) objectively.  Because I can tell you, it's an eye-opener and raises the bar no matter what you believe is really "out there".  There's another review on this movie linked at the bottom of the page, apparently written by someone else.  I haven't read it yet but plan to.  Tell me what you think later.--DiamondHead *****************************************************************************************    I want to add something.  You remember how the Bible goes into the genealogy of Jesus Christ?  In generation after generation detailed information is given as to the genetic line preceding Christ.  This was obviously done very purposely.  Given the generally accepted belief that mankind's gene pool before the Great Flood was altered by fallen angels interbreeding with human women, it makes a lot of sense that the Bible would go to pains to explain the lineage of Christ (no Nephilim blood in his line). All of this also strongly suggests that God did not wipe out mankind with the Great Flood simply because he grew impatient with man (who He created), but rather to get rid of the offspring/descendents of the fallen angels and therefore prevent them from spreading their DNA throughout all of humankind. I actually feel better about the G.Flood.  Wow~! Some pretty heavy stuff.--DiamondHead  
Yeah, I read the article and honestly, I take it with more than a grain of salt. There are a LOT of perspectives and opinions flying around the internet regarding religion and spirituality, and I'm not so quick to apply various conspiracy theories to certain films and filmmakers...I don't really know about all of what the author of the article wrote. Perhaps that's his interpretation of the theme or 'symbolism' of "Prometheus", but the interesting thing about this movie is that you ask ten people what they think the meaning of the film is, and you'll get ten different opinions.  Some film-goers thought that the movie had too much of a "creationist" angle and other people I've seen think it has nothing to do with creationism at all. Different people, different perspectives. Who's to say which is the right one, you know? As for the belief that humanity was created by 'aliens' being reinforced or pushed in the movie (such as what was stated in the article), that may be a stretch. The concept of the 'engineers' creating humanity was, to my understanding, firmly placed in the realm of fantasy and sci-fi. No logical person believes in aliens in the first place, in my opinion. It's a subject that's normally only explored in creative imagination--books and film. I take the movie for what it is; a rollicking and exciting fantasy, and as for theories behind the director's intention of the movie, that's neither here or there to me. Even in the off chance that he was doing that, people are still going to believe what they choose. Their minds are not going to be changed by a popcorn flick. --MyVintageSoul   **************************************************************************************** Quote:  "As for the belief that humanity was created by 'aliens' being reinforced or pushed in the movie (such as what was stated in the article), that may be a stretch."  
Reading  your response.  Please allow me to point out that Marcos did stress...he stressed that these aliens (obviously using the term "alien" loosely) are actually fallen angels Quoting him from his review/commentary on "Prometheus" he stated the following: 
"Remember that the Bible says that there are aliens; they are called holy and also fallen angels."--"Prometheus" - A Lesson in Illuminati Religion
************************************************************************************ Quoting you, Vic... "Their minds are not going to be changed by a popcorn flick."  
Really.  You underestimate the power of the media. '-)  --DiamondHead 

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