...is the sound you cannot hear at all.
(The Deadly Sounds of Silence)
Posted by DiamondHead
Where do I begin? For there's just so much to say on this subject. It is more important now to us all, than perhaps ever before in the history of mankind. For infrasound has been envisioned as being a new "clean" so-called "less-than-lethal", "media-friendly" weapon of choice by the military. Yet, weaponized infrasound is as potentially deadly to the individual as any conventional weapon known to mankind. More troubling is that because of the plausible deniability of the use of weaponized infrasound, the dangers of weaponized infrasound getting into the hands of racist right wing extremist groups or corrupt individuals/officials, should be of great concern to both lawmakers and citizens alike. With weaponized infrasound in the hands of the wrong people, they would be capable of harming people on a level that you could not imagine.
Infrasound waves hug the ground and can travel for long distances through wood, stone, walls, floors and water without losing strength. Infrasound waves cannot be heard by most people but they can be felt by everyone.
Infrasound waves slam into the body causing the body and its internal organs to VIBRATE--much like what happens to a guitar string when you pluck it. The body becomes like a plucked guitar string. Objects surrounding the body also seem to be vibrating, but it is just the body that is vibrating. Infrasound waves slamming into the body can cause parts of the body to swell, then taking hours for the swelling to go down. Because infrasound waves hug the ground, when it slams into the human body it can cause the body to feel a "pulling down" sensation all over the body, as if the body is suddenly fighting a strong force of gravity. Standing and walking suddenly feels unnatural and is difficult to do. It's as if you are fighting against gravity itself to simply move. Escaping the infrasound waves, if even for a moment, one would feel the body suddenly bounce upward slightly as if released from a very strong pull or force. At a certain frequency, infrasound waves can liquify the bowels and literally pull other bodily fluids downward and out of the body. (One very frightening incident I read about not long ago on the internet, was about a woman who stated on a forum that she had suffered a miscarriage after feeling "strong vibrations" that apparently her husband did not feel--only her. After she lost her baby she stated, the vibrations continued much to her perplexity.) This "pulling down" sensation is especially troubling as it can put a great amount of stress on the heart and lungs. Continued exposure to infrasound waves might possibly enlarge the heart.
Infrasound waves hug the ground and can travel for long distances through wood, stone, walls, floors and water without losing strength. Infrasound waves cannot be heard by most people but they can be felt by everyone.
Infrasound waves slam into the body causing the body and its internal organs to VIBRATE--much like what happens to a guitar string when you pluck it. The body becomes like a plucked guitar string. Objects surrounding the body also seem to be vibrating, but it is just the body that is vibrating. Infrasound waves slamming into the body can cause parts of the body to swell, then taking hours for the swelling to go down. Because infrasound waves hug the ground, when it slams into the human body it can cause the body to feel a "pulling down" sensation all over the body, as if the body is suddenly fighting a strong force of gravity. Standing and walking suddenly feels unnatural and is difficult to do. It's as if you are fighting against gravity itself to simply move. Escaping the infrasound waves, if even for a moment, one would feel the body suddenly bounce upward slightly as if released from a very strong pull or force. At a certain frequency, infrasound waves can liquify the bowels and literally pull other bodily fluids downward and out of the body. (One very frightening incident I read about not long ago on the internet, was about a woman who stated on a forum that she had suffered a miscarriage after feeling "strong vibrations" that apparently her husband did not feel--only her. After she lost her baby she stated, the vibrations continued much to her perplexity.) This "pulling down" sensation is especially troubling as it can put a great amount of stress on the heart and lungs. Continued exposure to infrasound waves might possibly enlarge the heart.
Infrasound waves can also cause something called "cavitation" in the human body, which result in bouts of "burping" and "gassing" later on, as the air escapes from the body. Cavitation is the formation of small liquid-free air zones ("bubbles") – that are the consequence of forces acting upon the liquid (in this case human tissue). This usually happens when a liquid (or human tissue) is subjected to rapid changes of pressure that cause the formation of cavities. Cavitation is usually a process used in industrial cleaning applications, since cavitation has sufficient power to overcome the particle-to-substrate adhesion forces, and loose contaminants. Cavitation is the process often used to degrease and clean guns and to clean dental equipment. It is widely used in industry for various purposes. Cavitation should NEVER be forced onto living human flesh. The very idea of cavitation being caused in the human body via sonic weaponry is an abhorrent and truly unspeakable thing.
Infrasound waves can cause a very uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the chest and abdominal area. At a certain frequency the pain can be quite unbearable--taking hours to subside and end. Prolonged exposure can also cause pressure in this area to build to a point where breathing becomes quite difficult. Infrasound waves can cause painful backache (feeling of swelling and intense pressure and a 'pulling down' sensation). Infrasound waves can cause something that feels like bee stings or painful pin pricks on the skin. Infrasound waves aimed at the head can cause debilitating headaches that could last for hours. Directed infrasound waves can also cause the body to become dehydrated. At a certain frequency, infrasound waves can quickly cause acute and dangerous dehydration in the body. Prolonged exposure to directed infrasound waves can affect the throat, causing hoarseness that could last for many hours or perhaps, days. Infrasound waves can also cause sudden bad nosebleeds, nausea, drowsiness, sudden extreme over-heating of the body and sudden rapid heartbeat, mood changes. (During World War II, Nazi propaganda engineers used infrasound to stir up anger in the large crowds that had gathered to hear Hitler. The result was a nation filled with anger and hatred.) And it can interfere with a person's ability to concentrate.
Infrasound waves can cause stiffness of the back of the neck making it difficult to turn one's head in either direction. Prolonged exposure to infrasound waves can cause fullness in the throat and a choking feeling (as if fingers are pressing against one's throat). At a certain frequency infrasound waves can cause burning, including a feeling of internal burning (i.e. stomach, throat, rectum).
We know that the military has researched infrasound as a weapon of war. What we (American public) DON'T know is how advanced their research and development has become and exactly HOW and for HOW LONG weaponized infrasound has been TESTED. For example: "Has the military developed a highly portable or hand-held sonic weapon capable of shooting infrasound waves through walls and floors?" How advanced has military research & development become of this highly dangerous and injurious type of weaponry? Does the public have the right to know? Is more public disclosure about this weaponry needed? Perhaps the answer to those questions can be found in the personal accounts of thousands upon thousands of American citizens from coast-to-coast (and citizens of other developed nations around the world), who say that not only have they been repeatedly assaulted by directed energy weapons (DEWS), but that they have also been further victimized by 24/7 365 surveillance and stalking, by organized stalking groups which, according to many victims, often accompanies these continuous attacks on their person, by directed energy weapons.
Although there has been so much said and written about this subject over the internet, there has been and remains a total mainstream news media blackout on this subject. (You would think they would seize the opportunity to investigate and report on this, right?) Widespread reports over the internet and on radio talk shows, blogs and books, tell of personal accounts of ordinary American citizens who say they have experienced (especially in their homes) attacks by DEWS--and that they continue to, daily. So, organized by who? Who would have the finances, the ability, the resources and the effing BALLS to plan and implement this type of widespread and highly organized and regimented stalking and torture with directed energy weapons? And, is this 24/7 365 stalking/surveillance intended as an attempt to intimidate or silence victims? Or could it be that of the many THOUSANDS of tax-paying American citizens who've described what they believe are DEW attacks, that they're ALL just fooling around or imagining it? What do you think? Moreover, what would a motive be in attacking American citizens with DEWS? Weapons testing? War on "terror"--even including attacking innocent Americans who've committed NO CRIME and done nothing wrong? At this link see Chapter 4 "Through-Wall Electronic Weapons" http://www.usa-anti-communist.net/mind-control/Organized_Stalking.pdf
Infrasound waves can cause a very uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the chest and abdominal area. At a certain frequency the pain can be quite unbearable--taking hours to subside and end. Prolonged exposure can also cause pressure in this area to build to a point where breathing becomes quite difficult. Infrasound waves can cause painful backache (feeling of swelling and intense pressure and a 'pulling down' sensation). Infrasound waves can cause something that feels like bee stings or painful pin pricks on the skin. Infrasound waves aimed at the head can cause debilitating headaches that could last for hours. Directed infrasound waves can also cause the body to become dehydrated. At a certain frequency, infrasound waves can quickly cause acute and dangerous dehydration in the body. Prolonged exposure to directed infrasound waves can affect the throat, causing hoarseness that could last for many hours or perhaps, days. Infrasound waves can also cause sudden bad nosebleeds, nausea, drowsiness, sudden extreme over-heating of the body and sudden rapid heartbeat, mood changes. (During World War II, Nazi propaganda engineers used infrasound to stir up anger in the large crowds that had gathered to hear Hitler. The result was a nation filled with anger and hatred.) And it can interfere with a person's ability to concentrate.
Infrasound waves can cause stiffness of the back of the neck making it difficult to turn one's head in either direction. Prolonged exposure to infrasound waves can cause fullness in the throat and a choking feeling (as if fingers are pressing against one's throat). At a certain frequency infrasound waves can cause burning, including a feeling of internal burning (i.e. stomach, throat, rectum).
High-intensity/low-frequency sound and infrasound are powerful forces, and governments have tested and used them as a weapon of war.
"Today, the US Department of Defense is testing acoustic rifles that can stun and even kill solders." (Source - Feel the Noise, by Jack Boulware)
We know that the military has researched infrasound as a weapon of war. What we (American public) DON'T know is how advanced their research and development has become and exactly HOW and for HOW LONG weaponized infrasound has been TESTED. For example: "Has the military developed a highly portable or hand-held sonic weapon capable of shooting infrasound waves through walls and floors?" How advanced has military research & development become of this highly dangerous and injurious type of weaponry? Does the public have the right to know? Is more public disclosure about this weaponry needed? Perhaps the answer to those questions can be found in the personal accounts of thousands upon thousands of American citizens from coast-to-coast (and citizens of other developed nations around the world), who say that not only have they been repeatedly assaulted by directed energy weapons (DEWS), but that they have also been further victimized by 24/7 365 surveillance and stalking, by organized stalking groups which, according to many victims, often accompanies these continuous attacks on their person, by directed energy weapons.
"First you hear like a high-frequency sound--a lot like the old televisions would sound like when you'd turn them on. Then the vibrations start. Your body feeling like its vibrating all over really rapidly."--Victim of electronic torture
Although there has been so much said and written about this subject over the internet, there has been and remains a total mainstream news media blackout on this subject. (You would think they would seize the opportunity to investigate and report on this, right?) Widespread reports over the internet and on radio talk shows, blogs and books, tell of personal accounts of ordinary American citizens who say they have experienced (especially in their homes) attacks by DEWS--and that they continue to, daily. So, organized by who? Who would have the finances, the ability, the resources and the effing BALLS to plan and implement this type of widespread and highly organized and regimented stalking and torture with directed energy weapons? And, is this 24/7 365 stalking/surveillance intended as an attempt to intimidate or silence victims? Or could it be that of the many THOUSANDS of tax-paying American citizens who've described what they believe are DEW attacks, that they're ALL just fooling around or imagining it? What do you think? Moreover, what would a motive be in attacking American citizens with DEWS? Weapons testing? War on "terror"--even including attacking innocent Americans who've committed NO CRIME and done nothing wrong? At this link see Chapter 4 "Through-Wall Electronic Weapons" http://www.usa-anti-communist.net/mind-control/Organized_Stalking.pdf
...and see Appendix 1: "Attorney's Call Report to National Center for Victims of Crime (3 page affidavit at bottom) http://www.usa-anti-communist.net/mind-control/Organized_Stalking.pdf
Dick Cheney Continues To Lie About Torture
Electronic Harassment Surveillance the Police State -- Private Investigator Roger Tolces 2009
"We've Gotta get rid of the Patriot Act"-- Roger Tolces (30-yr+ seasoned, experienced private investigator/bug sweeper for the rich, famous and powerful)
Electromagnetic Brainblaster (Pub. July 2000--Plans for powerful EM Weapons and Lab Devices. Includes brainwaves and EEGs; behavioral conditioning, mind control, brainwashing and dreamscaping; physiological, psychological, and neurological effects of EMBBs; brain anatomy and physiology, positive stimulations (ie: calming, healing, pleasure centers, arousal, automatic learning, et al); stimulation techniques; optimizing waveform, freq, modulation, duty cycle and other factors; biologic electrical/ magnetic properties, et al. Dozens of photos and illustrations. Countermeasures. Sold for legal educational and entertainment purposes only.)
But what about the electro-magnetic pulse weapon? As seen over the internet, some victims of electronic torture believe that they are also being attacked by means of some kind of an electro-magnetic pulse weapon or gun, usually used to disable electronic devices. The following is an excerpt on info on this:
"No one should try experimenting with any of this stuff without the appropriate knowledge of the safety issues involved. Working close to the equipment described here can be quite dangerous for humans who are not knowledgeable about working with high voltages and high power circuitry, and (as should be quite obvious) this equipment can be damaging to electronics equipment in the areas surrounding the device.
Governments have long been interested in small EMP weapons." (Read complete article: "Non-nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Generation" )
S.P.I.R.A.W.L. states: "There are sound weapons that operate with the frequencies of infrasound. Infrasound consists of frequencies under 20 Hz that are below the threshold of human hearing. Weapons manipulating these frequencies can cause overwhelming nausea, loosening of the bodily organs and ultimately death. One of these weapons, as it is described in its patent (Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems, US Patent 6, 017, 302) “causes disorientation and drowsiness in law enforcement standoff situations."--Read S.P.I.R.A.W.L. complete article here.
"The U.S., Canada, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, Israel, Sweden, Japan, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Denmark have acoustic weapons programs. There is an urgent need for broad public disclosure about ‘non-lethal’ weapons, particularly weapons that utilize sonic frequencies for offensive purposes. "This is patently quite dangerous and irresponsible," says human-rights activist Dr. Steve Wright, who, as director of the Omega Foundation (UK), works with Amnesty International to monitor ‘non-lethal’ weapons. A 1998 report prepared for the European Parliament classified non-lethal weapons as techniques of political control. In an appraisal of those techniques, the Omega Foundation recognized non-lethal crowd control weapons as a growing arsenal of political technologies that pose a threat to civil liberties."--S.P.I.R.A.W.L. (Sound Proofed Institute of Research into Acoustic Weapons Logistics)
............More to come in this section!............
Are you still wondering why weaponized infrasound is so damn dangerous? Keep reading...
"Infrasound is especially dangerous, due to its strong vibrations, or oscillations. Infrasound waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. Not much amplitude is needed to produce negative effects in the human body, and even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms.
Waves of infrasound are invisible, but slam into living tissue and physical structures with great force. The sensation vibrates internal organs and buildings, flattening objects as the sonic wave strikes. At certain pitches, it can explode matter."
100 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - At this level, a person experiences irritation, "mild nausea, giddiness, skin flushing, and body tingling." Following this, a person undergoes "vertigo, anxiety, extreme fatigue, throat pressure, and respiratory dysfunction." (source; the Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau, by Gerry Vassilatos)
60 - 73 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - coughing, severe sternal pressure, choking, excessive salivation, extreme swallowing pains, inability to breathe, headache, and abdominal pain" were present. In the post exposure phase, test subjects continued to cough, exhibit fatigue, and have skin flushing for up to four hours. (Source - THE SONIC WEAPON OF VLADIMIR GAVREAU, by Gerry Vassilatos)
43 - 73 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - lack of visual acuity, IQ scores fall to 77% of normal, distortion of spatial orientation, poor muscular coordination, loss of equilibrium, slurred speech, and blackout.
1 - 10 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - "Lethal infrasonic pitch lies in the 7 cycle range. Small amplitude increases affect human behavior in this range. Intellectual activity is first inhibited, blocked, and then destroyed. As the amplitude is increased, several disconcerting responses have been noted. These responses begin a complete neurological interference. The action of the medulla is physiologically blocked, its autonomic functions cease." (source; the Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau, by Gerry Vassilatos)
7 Cycles Per Second (Hz) - The most profound effects at this infrasonic level occur here. Seven Hz "corresponds with the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain. It is also commonly alleged that this is the resonant frequency of the body's organs and hence organ rupture and death can occur at high-intensity exposures." (source; 'Acoustic Trauma: Bioeffects of Sound,' by Alex Davies)-- http://www.lowertheboom.org/trice/infrasound.htm
Did I mention that infrasound also causes uncontrollable crap to happen?
"Acoustic, Infrasound. Very low-frequency sound, which can travel long distances and easily penetrate most buildings and vehicles. Transmission of long wavelength sound creates biophysical effects; nausea, loss of bowels, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage or death may occur. Superior to ultrasound because it is 'in band,' meaning that it does not lose its properties when it changes mediums such as from air to tissue. By 1972, an infrasound generator had been built in France that generated waves at 7 hertz. When activated, it made the people in range sick for hours." (Source - Glossary of Non-lethal weapons Terms)"Of course, the military industrial crowd has been jerking off over infrasonic weaponry (“acoustic weapons”) for decades. Do a Google search to find titillating reading of varying degrees of credibility."-- (The Misuse of Infrasound: Industry, military, and now the cops Nov 18, 2011)
("Presidential Commission: Directed Energy Weapons Used On American Citizens in Tests 1/2")
It's no wonder that the military industrial crowd has been jerking off over weaponry that can do all this...
"From about 100 to 140 decibels infrasound causes a variety of biological symptoms depending on the frequency and power level. Basically, the higher the power level, the greater the damage. The effects include: fatigue, pressure in the ears, visual blurring, drowsiness, imbalance, disorientation, vibration of internal organs, severe intestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Higher power levels can liquefy bowels, and resonate the internal organs causing death. Infrasound can also cause feelings of pressure in the chest, choking, irregular breathing patterns, and respiratory incapacitation.
High powered, low frequency sound from about 30 Hz to about 100 Hz (just beyond infrasound) causes the following biological effects: fatigue, blurred vision, bowel spasms, pain or damage to internal organs, feelings of fullness in the chest cavity, chest wall vibration, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, choking, and respiratory impairment.
Infrasound causes a variety of psychological effects depending on the frequency and power level. It can cause the following: loss of concentration, disgust, apathy, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. “These transmissions” said Dr. John Alexander in his December 1980 article, The New Mental Battlefield, “can be used to induce depression or irritability in a target population.”--New World War: Sonic Weapons by Mark Rich ( 'New World War')
...and yet is a stealth-like weapon, capable of being engaged from a considerable distance.
Again, because of the silent nature of infrasound waves; because you cannot see it; because it has the ability to easily travel considerable distances through water, wood, stone, brick, walls and floors...all undetected and because these soundwaves can be controlled and directed with precision, infrasound, as a weapon, has the potential to be exceedingly dangerous to the individual. In the hands of the corrupt individuals/officials, infrasound weapons (also know as directed-energy weapons) could be used to endlessly and mercilessly harass, torture, maim or even kill--leaving victims with no proof (no court-quality evidence) of said atrocities committed against their person or even the knowledge of who is doing this to them.
"Some organic and inorganic objects can function as resonance chambers. These objects are usually enclosures with a small opening. For instance, a glass or bottle will act as one. On a larger scale, the chest/abdominal area of the human body functions as a resonance chamber. Even an entire room with an open door or window can be used as a resonance chamber. Sound can be used to shatter or explode objects after resonance has been achieved.
Resonance can be induced electromagnetically by an infrasonic pulse generator, which can establish a link, for instance, to a person’s inner organs by resonating it in their chest area. Once this connection occurs, the power level of the generator can be increased, which would automatically transfer the energy to the person. If the power level is moderate, the person may experience pain in the chest area, or their organs may vibrate. Increasing the power level will destroy their organs."--New World War: Sonic Weapons by Mark Rich
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